In high school drama we were required to keep a ‘process diary’ of the work that went into some finished assignment - performance, script, review, etc. None of us really knew what we were supposed to do with it or what purpose it served and so every one of us did a half-arsed job filling it in at the end of each term. The teacher was fully aware of this but it was on the curriculum and that was that. This was one of many formal educational farces that probably contributed to my perpetual ‘bad student’ attitude (though I have spent my entire adult life so far as a student so how’s that for psychopathology?).
Anyway, I bring it up here because I think that my blog should be a process diary of my life. Not a diary as such, in the sense of a record of events and some basic reflections but more of an ongoing account of my thinking and learning about being alive. It’s not an attempt then to teach anybody anything in particular (since it’s statistically unlikely anyone will read this). I don’t need to have all the answers before I post something. Posts don’t need to be literary masterpieces, they don’t even need to be grammatically clean (though one cannot abandon all standards!). They don’t need to be a certain length. They don’t need to be topical. They don’t need to be anything in particular at all. Just like people.