Working on this blog has, rather obviously I’m afraid, not been a priority since its original creation in 2016. I work at a bar/arcade to pay the bills; I am working on a computer game with a group of friends; I go trampolining a couple of times a week for fun and fitness; I spend time with my partner and friends; and life presents its endless dramas and demands. Nevertheless this blog – though it might not look it at the moment – represents a hope for a longer-term career of writing and so it’s time my commitment to it reflects that.
I am going to conduct an experiment then of declaring a publication schedule here for the month of March. I intend to publish two posts each week: a commentary or analysis of some current topic in politics or economics; and a critical reflection of a book, game, or album I’ve been reading, playing, or listening to. I may publish more posts than this, but no fewer than these eight over the course of the month.
Wish me luck!