I find Twitter claustrophobic.* It feels like being in a small dark room with everybody shouting. They’re all shouting about bad things, and some of them are shouting about how you are bad and the bad things are somehow your fault.
I find this on my private Twitter even though I only follow a couple of dozen friends. But through the magic of retweets I get to hear a load of condensed anger, blame and snark, from hundreds of strangers every day. Read More...
In high school drama we were required to keep a ‘process diary’ of the work that went into some finished assignment - performance, script, review, etc. None of us really knew what we were supposed to do with it or what purpose it served and so every one of us did a half-arsed job filling it in at the end of each term. The teacher was fully aware of this but it was on the curriculum and that was that. Read More...
Writing a blog is an interesting and (clearly) difficult project, at least for me. I began the blog just over six months ago - I signed up to a web host and word press - and was all excited about where it would go. But by ‘where it would go’ I had only abstract fantasies. I hadn’t thought deeply about what I wanted the blog to actually be. Was it primarily personal or professional? Read More...