The word ‘content’ has become ubiquitous online. In referring – in the most general sense – to substance of any kind, it conveys instead the idea of substancelessness.
It is a commercial abstraction for people wanting to make money on the internet by providing a stream of new words/images/videos, to be – tellingly – consumed.I have mainly encountered the word filtered through the irony machine; I avoid earnest business types since they make me sad. Read More...
In year 8 English I had to read a book and deliver a book report. Somehow the book I chose was a biography of Louis XIV - I must have been away when all the good books were picked. My teacher was (rightly) sceptical that I would read it. I did read the first few pages but forgot about the book for several weeks until I was unexpectedly called upon to deliver my speech. Read More...
At the start of this year I changed the site’s tagline to be ‘Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love’ from the Bohemian creed in Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge! Few people would disagree that these are good things, though many would disagree about what each actually entails.
I thought I would share then some of my recent reading on the most important of the four - love.
Late last year I was feeling down and turned to Irvin Yalom’s Existential Psychotherapyas I often do, this time reading the section on Isolation which I had not done before. Read More...